VISION and Misson Statement
Vision: To have a community with restored hope and equal opportunities for the orphans and vulnerable children.
.Mission: Orphan Help and child neglect ministry exists to restore lost hope, love and a future to the most vulnerable children by facilitating them to realize their social physical and spiritual needs so as to enable them live self reliant.

Orphan Help Children pausing for a photo
Due to the political and economic disturbances that occurred in our country in 1970’s and 1980’s together with diseases like HIV/aids, poor feeding due to lack of balanced diet and the poverty amongst the people resulted into children dying of anger and the associated diesese like kwashiorkor ,murasmus, and so on.
Uganda has become one of the countries with the highest number of orphans and vulnerable children who have lost their parents making them to lives full of hopelessness and despair.
In response to the above challenges the Government of Uganda has enacted laws and formulated policies aimed at welfare and the development of the children especially those who are vulnerable and orphans. Examples are the 1995 constitution, Children’s statute 2003, Universal Primary Education, Uganda Aids Commission and the Universal Secondary Education
However because of the overwhelming number of OVCs, the Government has found it difficult to meet the welfare needs of all the children who are vulnerable. Therefore, with the help of the existing laws and policies, Orphan Help ministry has gone along way to facilitate some of the orphans and vulnerable children in terms of welfare and education.
However due to the increasing number of children up to 30, Orphan Help and Child Neglect Ministry is finding it difficult to meet the necessary basic needs. That is why we have proposed for assistance.. |